RV Awning Maintenance: 5 Essential Tips for Cleaning, Inspecting, and Storing Your Awning

Nov 28, 2023 | RV Maintenance

Are you planning to hit the road with your RV and enjoy the great outdoors? If so, you’ll want to ensure your RV awning is in good condition and properly maintained. From routine cleaning and inspections to retracting during inclement weather, there are several steps you can take to extend the life of your awning and ensure a hassle-free camping experience. In this article, we’ll explore five essential tips for RV awning maintenance and provide expert advice to help you keep your awning in tip-top shape.


RV Awning Maintenance Cleaning

Regularly clean the awning fabric to remove dirt, bird droppings, and other debris. Use a soft brush, mild soap, and water to scrub the surface gently. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, which can damage the fabric and protective coatings.

mold rv awning maintenance

There are a couple of ways you can go when it comes to cleaning solutions. You can use a store-bought solution like Valterra’s RV Awning Cleaner, designed to remove dirt, mold, mildew, and tree sap from your awning and condition the fabric. If you use a store-bought cleaner, be sure that it is explicitly designed for awning fabrics. Avoid solutions that are oil-based, caustic, or abrasive.

With any cleaning solution, try it on a test location on your awning first to ensure the solution won’t discolor your fabric or leave residue behind. If you use bleach or another toxic chemical, avoid washing the awning over grass or plants that might be affected by the runoff.

How to clean Acrylic fabric: Use a stiff brush, dish soap, and water. Avoid scrubbing, which can remove the water-repelling finish and ruin your awning. If you use a protectant spray, use a product designed to restore water repellency that will not damage the fabric or finish.

How to clean Vinyl fabric: Use a soft brush, dish soap, and water. Avoid scrubbing, which can remove the mildew-resistant coating. If you use a protectant spray, use a product designed to provide UV and dust/dirt protection that is safe to use on vinyl.

A neat trick Lippert suggests is to liberally apply your mild soap mixture and gently scrub the top of your awning.  With the soap still on the top of the awning, retract the awning and wait 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes, extend the awning back out and rinse off both sides.  If you still see spots that need scrubbing more, then scrub and repeat the process until it’s all clean.

For acrylic awnings, use a stiff brush. For vinyl awnings, use a soft brush. Try a toothbrush for stubborn minor stains, mold spots, or tree sap.  – etrailer.com

Finally, rinse off the top and bottom of the awning to remove all the soap residue from the fabric.  Allow it to air-dry before retracting. If you are storing your RV for long-term storage, ensure your awning fabric is thoroughly dried before retracting.

Lippert created a video blog that shows how they recommend cleaning and maintaining awnings.  Watch it here.


Retracting in Inclement Weather

You might not think this follows rv awning maintenance but it comes down to caring for your awning during inclement weather.  Retract the awning during adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, or storms. This helps prevent damage to the awning and extends its lifespan. If the weather turns unexpectedly, retract the awning even if you don’t plan to be away from the RV for an extended period. Strong winds could rip the awning arms completely off the RV wall. We have replaced many awnings because they were out when a storm moved through, and the RV owner was not home.

arm awning maintenance

Lubricating Moving Parts

Apply a silicone-based lubricant to the moving parts of the awning mechanism. This includes the joints, pivot points, and other components requiring lubrication. Regular lubrication helps ensure smooth operation and reduces the risk of rust or corrosion.


Storing Properly

When not in use for an extended period, roll it up, as its exposure to the sun will weaken the fabric faster. Ensure it is clean and completely dry before retracting it.

closed rv awning maintenance

Replace with Stronger Awning Fabric

When replacing the awning fabric, cheaper is only sometimes better. Spend more money to purchase a more substantial fabric. It will withstand the weather better and last longer in the sun; however, you still want to retract the awning when you are not using it. We recommend Tough Top Awnings for your awning fabric needs. They are a great company to work with, and their product is high quality. We have used their fabric on both patio awnings and slide toppers. If you need to replace your old awning fabric, feel free to call us.

Recommended Supplies List

Dawn dish soap, Valterra # V88542, or other awning cleaner
Brush or cloth
Ladder or stool (optional)
Awning protectant (optional)

 Remember to consult your RV manufacturer’s specific maintenance guidelines for the awning, as different models may have unique requirements. Regular maintenance will not only extend the life of your RV awning but also contribute to a more enjoyable and trouble-free camping experience.

Is Maintenance Just Not Possible Anymore?

We are here to help! If you want to spend more time working on your hobbies instead of RV awning maintenance, it’s time to give us a call. Let En Route RV Services take care of your RV awning maintenance while you sit back and enjoy your favorite beverage or make a hole-in-one on the back nine.